An Loch Uachtair; İrlanda'nın Leinster İli, Wicklow Kontluğu idari sınırları içerisinde yer alan bir göldür.
Powerscourt Estate, located in Enniskerry, County Wicklow, Ireland, is a large country estate which is noted for its house and landscaped…
Powerscourt Şelalesi; İrlanda, County Wicklow, Enniskerry yakınında bir şelaledir. 121 metre yüksekliğiyle adadaki en yüksek şelaledir.
A very popular national park and outing place for city-dwellers due to its proximity to Dublin. A truly beautiful part of Ireland.
Victor's Way, located near Roundwood, County Wicklow, Ireland, is a privately owned meditation garden which contains black granite…
Lough Tay; İrlanda'nın Leinster İli, Wicklow Kontluğu idari sınırları içerisinde yer alan bir göldür.
Rathgall, or the Ring of the Rath is a large multivallate hill fort near the town of Shillelagh.
The Wicklow Mountains form the largest continuous upland area in Ireland.
Seefin Passage Tomb is a passage grave and National Monument located atop Seefin Hill, County Wicklow, Ireland.
A great beach where the whole family can spend a lovely afternoon. Only two minutes away from the railway station and car park.
An Garda Síochána, İrlanda'nın ulusal polis teşkilâtıdır. 22 Şubat 1922 tarihinde ülkenin bağımsızlığının ardından kurulmuş olup merkezi…
You'll definitely remind yourself of your childhood in this museum. There are dolls and other toys more than 300 years old!
Vartry Yapay Gölü; İrlanda'nın Leinster İli, Wicklow Kontluğu, Roundwood köyü idari sınırları içerisinde yer alan bir yapay göldür.
Camaderry at 699 metres, is the 90th-highest peak in Ireland on the Arderin scale, and the 112th-highest peak on the Vandeleur-Lynam scale.
St. Mark's Cross is a high cross and National Monument located in Blessington, County Wicklow, Ireland.