Quilotoa is a water-filled crater lake and the most western volcano in the Ecuadorian Andes.
Cotopaxi National Park is a protected area in Ecuador situated in the Cotopaxi Province, Napo Province and Pichincha Province, roughly 50…
Cotopaxi, Ekvador'un 5.897 m yüksekliği ile ikinci en yüksek dağı ve ülkenin en yüksek aktif volkanı.
Chimborazo, 6310 metre yüksekliğinde sönmüş bir volkan. Ekvador'un en yüksek dağıdır.
Pichincia, Ekvador 'un başkenti Quito'da bir volkan. Dağın iki zirvesi vardır.
Tungurahua,, Ekvador 'da 5.016 M yükseklikte bir volkan. İsmi büyük ihtimalle Quechua dilinden gelir.
Cayambe or Volcán Cayambe is a volcano in Ecuador, in the Cordillera Central, a range of the Ecuadorian Andes.
Sangay is an active stratovolcano in central Ecuador. It exhibits mostly strombolian activity.
Rábida Island, is one of the Galápagos Islands. The 5 km² island has also been known as Jervis Island named in honour of the 18th-century…
Imbabura is an inactive stratovolcano in northern Ecuador. Although it has not erupted for about 7,500 years, it is not thought to be…
Chiles is a volcano on the border of Colombia and Ecuador. It lies 3 kilometres south-east of the volcano Cerro Negro de Mayasquer, and the…