Estergon Kalesi Macaristan'ın başkenti Budapeşte'nin 60 km kuzey batısında Tuna nehri kıyısında yer alan kaledir.
Estergon Bazilikası, Macaristan'ın Komárom-Esztergom ilindeki Estergon şehrinde yer alan bazilika.
Marie Valerie Köprüsü, Tuna Nehri üzerinde, Macaristan'ın Estergon kentini Slovakya'nın Štúrovo şerine bağlayan köprü.
Árpád, 9 ve 10. yüzyılların başında Macar kabilelerinin konfederasyonunun başı.
1848 Macar Devrimi, Avrupa'daki birçok 1848 devriminden biridir. Habsburg topraklarındaki diğer 1848 devrimleriyle yakın ilişkiliydi.
The Christian Museum is the largest ecclesiastical collection in Hungary; it conserves European and Hungarian works of art from the period…
The Pannonian Limes is that part of the old Roman fortified frontier known as the Danubian Limes that runs for approximately 420 km from…
Dobogókő is a popular tourist area near Pilisszentkereszt in Hungary, and the site of the highest point in the Visegrád Hills at 699 meters…
The Pannonian Limes is that part of the old Roman fortified frontier known as the Danubian Limes that runs for approximately 420 km from…
The Pannonian Limes is that part of the old Roman fortified frontier known as the Danubian Limes that runs for approximately 420 km from…
Gerecse is a mountain range in north-western Hungary, that belongs to the Transdanubian Mountains
Gerecse is a mountain range in north-western Hungary, that belongs to the Transdanubian Mountains
Gerecse is a mountain range in north-western Hungary, that belongs to the Transdanubian Mountains
Gerecse is a mountain range in north-western Hungary, that belongs to the Transdanubian Mountains
Gerecse is a mountain range in north-western Hungary, that belongs to the Transdanubian Mountains