Bir kilometre uzunluğundaki bu bölge, 13. yüzyılın başlarında inşa edilen Budapeşte'nin en eski bölgesi.
Schwarzenbergplatz is a square in Vienna, Austria. It is actually more like a small, open street than a square, and it runs between the…
Viyana'nın en eski meydanlarından birinde yürüyüşe çıkıp, tarihi 1914 yılına uzanan Ankeruhr saatini bir de yakından görün.
The Puente de Piedra is a bridge across the river Ebro in Zaragoza, Spain.
The Place des Victoires is a circular place in Paris, located a short distance northeast from the Palais Royal and straddling the border…
The Statue of Europe is a sculpture symbolising peace through European integration, while at the same time aiming to demonstrate the motto…
Eleanor Rigby is a statue in Stanley Street, Liverpool, England, designed and made by the entertainer Tommy Steele.
Kraliyet Sarayı'na sadece kısa bir yürüyüş mesafesinde bulunan bu küçük meydan, Fernando VII'nin kızı Kraliçe Isabel II'ye adanmıştır ve…
Bronze sculpture celebrating the relationship between Churchill and Roosevelt.
A statue of the world-known writer where many tourists come to take pictures. Why not take a picture, too?
Eyemouth Felaketi, 14 Ekim 1881'de İskoçya'nın doğu sahilinde meydana gelen ve özellikle Berwickshire'ı ve liman kenti Eyemouth'u vuran bir…
Sir James Shand was a Scottish musician who played traditional Scottish dance music on the accordion.
The statues known as Mariblanca are female figures of uncertain origin which may relate to the fertility goddesses Venus or Fortuna.
Mihaylo Serhiviç Hruşevski Ukraynalı bir akademisyen, politikacı, tarihçi ve 20. yüzyılın başlarında Ukrayna ulusal uyanışının en önemli…
The Pushkin Statue in Kronvalda park in Riga, Latvia, was erected in 2009 as a gift from the city of Moscow. Sculptor Alexander Tartynov.
"Another place" or "the other place" is a euphemism used in many bicameral parliaments using the Westminster system and several rival…