The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption and of Saint Fructus is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in the Spanish city of Segovia.
Santiago Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in the city of Bilbao. The temple was originally built during the 14th-15th centuries as…
Hıristiyan ve İslami yönleri birleştiren eşsiz bir kilise. Belltower aslen bu sitede eski bir caminin minaresiydi, ancak yeniden inşa edildi…
Saint Mary's Cathedral, better known as Lugo Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic church and basilica in Lugo, Galicia, north-western Spain.
The Convent of la Concepción Francisca is a convent located in Toledo, Spain.
The Iglesia del Carmen de Burgos is a Catholic parish church built in Burgos, Castile and León, Spain.