İngiltere'nin en romantik kalelerinden biri, Henry VIII ve onun ilk karısı Aragonlu Catherine'in ikametgahıydı.
Edinburgh'daki Palace of Holyrood House veya Holyrood Sarayı Britanya kraliyet ailesinin İskoçya'daki rezidansıdır.
Charlottenburg Sarayı, Berlin'in en büyük sarayı ve Hohenzollern Hanedanı'nın Berlin'deki tek mirası.
500 metreden yüksek bir tepeye oturmuş olan Salzburg Kalesi'nin asıl adı kelimenin tam anlamıyla Yüksek Salzburg Kalesi olarak geçmektedir.
Stirling Castle, located in Stirling, is one of the largest and most historically and architecturally important castles in Scotland.
This castle carved into rock is located at the highest point in Cappadocia. Walk through its rooms and admire the views.
Mağribi Kalesi, Sintra'da bulunan bir Orta Çağ kalesi.Lizbon'un 25 km kuzeybatısında bulunan Sintra'da önemli bir turist atraksiyonu olan…
Bir kilometre uzunluğundaki bu bölge, 13. yüzyılın başlarında inşa edilen Budapeşte'nin en eski bölgesi.
The Alcazar of Segovia is a medieval castle located in the city of Segovia, in Castile and León, Spain.
Resmi kraliyet ikametgahı, şehri gezen görkemli bir Neoklasik kompleks.
Oxford Castle is a large, partly ruined medieval castle on the western side of central Oxford in Oxfordshire, England.
Başkenti korumak amacıyla Kral V. Haakon'un emri üzerine inşa edilen Akershus bir ortaçağ kalesi ve hisarıdır.
Castello Ursino, also known as Castello Svevo di Catania, is a castle in Catania, Sicily, southern Italy.
The majestic Norman castle is a truly fascinating sight. Sitting on top of a steep cliff it was used as a vanguard of the town of Trapani.
The Geeraard de Duivelsteen is a 13th century gothic architecture building in Ghent, Belgium.
The ruins of Linlithgow Palace are located in the town of Linlithgow, West Lothian, Scotland, 15 miles west of Edinburgh.
The Aljafería Palace is a fortified medieval palace built during the second half of the 11th century in the Taifa of Zaragoza in Al-Andalus…
The Tula Kremlin is a fortress in Tula, Russia, which was constructed in the early 16th century.
Menlo Castle is a 16th Century castle situated on the bank of the River Corrib in Co. Galway.
The Château des ducs de Bretagne is a large castle located in the city of Nantes in the Loire-Atlantique département of France; it served…