Büyük tarihi önemi olan güzel mülklerle kaplanmış Cala Mayor'un bitişiğindeki küçük bir meydan.
Plaza de la Merced is a public square located in the barrio La Merced in central Málaga, Spain.
Palazzo Chiaramonte-Steri is a Gothic-style palace located on via Piazza Marina, facing the Giardino Garibaldi in the ancient quarter of…
Þjóðveldisbærinn Stöng is a reconstructed viking-era farmstead in Iceland, located in the Þjórsárdalur valley near road 32 in Árnessýsla…
La Samaritaine is a large department store in Paris, France, located in the first arrondissement.
The Bridge of Tiberius, historically also the Bridge of Augustus or the Bridge of Saint Julian, is a Roman bridge in Rimini, in the region…
Petit Trianon, Fransa'da, Versay Sarayı arazileri üzerindeki küçük bir şatodur. Fransa kralı XV.
Beckford's Tower, originally known as Lansdown Tower, is an architectural folly built in neo-classical style on Lansdown Hill, just outside…
The Eastern Gate in Delft, Netherlands, is an example of Brick Gothic northern European architecture that was built around 1400.
Groß-Rosen toplama kampı, Polonya'nın Groß-Rosen, Aşağı Silezya bölgesinde kurulmuş bir Nazi toplama kampı.
Antašava Manor is a former residential manor in Antašava, Kupiškis district.