The Marktkirche Unser Lieben Frauen is a church in the centre of the city of Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
The Moritzburg is a fortified castle in Halle, Germany. The cornerstone of what would later become the residence of the Archbishops of…
Halle Cathedral is the oldest surviving church in the old part of the city Halle, Saale.
St. Moritz, also St. Mauritius, is a church in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, dedicated to St. Maurice.
Afrika savan fili, günümüzde yaşayan en büyük kara hayvanıdır.
Giebichenstein Castle is a castle in Halle in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. It is part of the Romanesque Road.Being a Burgward in the 9th century,…
Batı Kafkas dağ keçisi, Kafkas Dağları'nın sadece batısında kalan dağlık bölgelerde yaşayan Caprinae türüdür.
Crocodiles or true crocodiles are large semiaquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia.
Tembel hayvanlar, Orta ve Güney Amerika'da yaşayan Megalonychidae, Bradypodidae familyalarına ait 6 türü kapsayan orta büyüklükteki…
Berberi koyunu, Caprinae alt familyasının monotipik Ammotragus cinsinden Kuzey Afrika'nın kayalık dağlarına özgü bir koyun türü.
Anteater is a common name for the four extant mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua commonly known for eating ants and termites.
Leuna Chemie Stadion, known as Erdgas Sportpark until 2021, is a stadium in Halle, Germany. It has a capacity of 15,057 spectators.
Sincap maymunu, Cebidae familyasından Saimiri cinsini oluşturan primat türlerinin ortak adı.
The Corps Guestphalia Hall is a fraternity affiliate of the Kösen Senior Convents Association, where it is the oldest one.
The Francke Foundations, also known as Glauchasche Anstalten were founded in 1695 in Halle, Germany as a Christian, social and educational…