Kızıl Meydan, Moskova'da yer alan meydandır. Hem Rusya, hem de eski SSCB'nin toplumsal ve siyasi tarihinde önemli bir yeri vardır.
Aziz Vasil Katedrali, Moskova, Kızıl Meydan'da soğana benzeyen, rengârenk, kubbemsi çatılarıyla ünlü bir katedraldir.
GUM (Rusça: ГУМ, okunuşu Rusça telaffuz: ve kısaltması Rusça: Глáвный универсáльный магазѝн, eskiden birçok Sovyet şehrinde bulunan…
Lenin Mozolesi, Rusya'nın başkenti Moskova'nın merkezindeki Kızıl Meydan'da Sovyetler Birliği'nin kurucusu Vladimir İlyiç Lenin'in tahnit…
Kazan Cathedral, formally known as the "Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan", is a Russian Orthodox church located on the northwest corner of…
Bütün kompleksten korunmuş tek bina olan bu ev, boyar Romanov ailesinin, çarların hanedanlığı haline gelmeden önce nasıl yaşadıklarına dair…
A fascinating foray into the history of Russian-British relations, and international relations of the traditionally isolated Russia in…
The Monument to Minin and Pozharsky is a bronze statue designed by Ivan Martos and located on the Red Square in Moscow, Russia, in front of…
Resurrection Gate is the only existing gate of the Kitai-gorod in Moscow.
The Old Merchant Court in Moscow occupies a substantial portion of Kitai-gorod, as the old merchant district is known.
The Monastery of the Holy Mandylion or Zaikonospassky Monastery is an Orthodox monastery on the Nikolskaya Street in Kitai-gorod, Moscow,…
The Moscow State Academic Chamber Musical Theatre is a Moscow theatre and opera house.
The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Old Panei, is a Russian Orthodox church dedicated to the twin Saints Cosmas and Damian, Christian…
The Likhud Brothers were two Greek monks from Cephalonia who founded and managed the Slavic Greek Latin Academy in Moscow between 1685 and…