1905 yılında kutsanan bu Neoklasik kilise, Budapeşte'deki en büyük kilise ve aynı zamanda şehirdeki en yüksek iki binadan biri.
15. yüzyıldan kalma Gotik kilise, etkileyici Balıkçı Tabanı'nın yakınında, Buda Bölgesi'nde yer almaktadır.
Estergon Bazilikası, Macaristan'ın Komárom-Esztergom ilindeki Estergon şehrinde yer alan bazilika.
The Votive Church and Cathedral of Our Lady of Hungary is a twin-spired church in Szeged. It lies on Dóm square beside the Dömötör tower.
The Our Lady of the Visitation Cathedral also called Szombathely Cathedral or Cathedral of the Visitation of Our Lady is the name given to…
The Cathedral Basilica of St. Stephen the King also called Székesfehérvár Cathedral is the name given to a religious building of the…
The St. Anne's Cathedral also called Debrecen Cathedral It is a Catholic religious building that since 1993 works as the cathedral of the…
The Assumption Cathedral also called Kalocsa Cathedral is a religious building of the Catholic church that serves as the cathedral of the…
St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica, also called Veszprém Cathedral, is a religious building of the Catholic Church that serves as the…