The Avenue of the Baobabs, or Alley of the Baobabs, is a prominent group of Grandidier's baobabs lining the unpaved Road No.8 between…
Ambohimanga, Madagaskar'ın başkenti Antananarivo'nun yaklaşık 24 kilometre kuzeydoğusunda yer alan geleneksel bir kraliyet yerleşimi ve…
The Botanical and Zoological Garden of Tsimbazaza is a zoological and botanical garden in the neighbourhood of Tsimbazaza in Antananarivo,…
Lake Anosy is an artificial lake in the southern part of the capital city of Madagascar, Antananarivo, about two miles south of Haute-Ville.
Lake Tsimanampetsotsa is a moderately alkaline lake in the Toliara Province, in the southwestern part of Madagascar.
The Andafiavaratra Palace, located on the highest hilltop of the capital city of Antananarivo, was the residence of Prime Minister…