Cabo Girão is a lofty sea cliff located along the southern coast of the island of Madeira, in the Portuguese archipelago of Madeira,…
Pico do Areeiro, at 1,818 m high is a mountain located on the Portuguese island and autonomous region of Madeira, the third highest on the…
Pico Ruivo is the highest peak on Madeira Island. It can be reached only by foot, usually either from Pico do Areeiro after a strenuous hike…
The São Vicente Caves are caves located in the parish and county of São Vicente, Madeira.
Bu teleferik, Funchal'ın alt bölgelerini Monte'ye bağlar. 2000'den beri faaliyet gösteren otel, muhteşem manzaralar sunan yerel ve…
Volkanik kayalardan oluşan bu lav havuzları doğal olarak berrak deniz suyu ile beslenir ve okyanus dalgalarının havuzları koruyan kayalara…