Kefren Piramidi ya da Kafre Piramidi, Mısır'ın başkenti Kahire'de, Giza bölgesinde yer alan bir piramit.
Keops Piramidi, Khufu Piramidi ya da Büyük Piramit; günümüzde Mısır’ın başkenti Kahire'nin bir parçası olan Gize'yi çevreleyen antik “Gize…
Menkaure, Giza'daki en küçük piramit olarak bilinir ve beyaz kireçtaşı ve kırmızı granitten yapılır.
Zoser Piramidi, basamaklı piramit ya da Zoser'in basamak piramidi, günümüzden 4 bin 700 yıl önce MÖ 27. yüzyıl'da Mısır'ın üçüncü hanedanı…
Kahire şehrine yaklaşık 19 km mesafede bulunan bu bölge, bir zamanlar Eski Krallık'ın başkenti ve Ptah'ın baş kült kenti olarak kullanılan…
A prime example of outstanding funerary architecture. Its grand design and rich decorations are difficult to compare.
This museum provides an insight into the excavations of Saqqara as it displays properly commented findings.
The pyramid of Teti is a smooth-sided pyramid situated in the pyramid field at Saqqara in Egypt.
Gize Piramitleri Mısır'ın başkenti Kahire'nin Gize semtinde bulunan 3 görkemli yapı:
The Black Pyramid was built by King Amenemhat III during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.
The Pyramid of Ameny Qemau is an ancient Egyptian pyramid located in southern Dahshur.
The White Pyramid of Amenemhat II is located in the pyramid field at Dahshur, Egypt, and is now nothing more than a pile of rubble, having…
The Southern Mazghuna Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian royal tomb which was built during the 12th or the 13th Dynasty in Mazghuna, 5 km south…
The Unfinished Northern Pyramid of Zawyet El Aryan, also known as Pyramid of Baka and Pyramid of Bikheris is the term archaeologists and…
The Northern Mazghuna Pyramid is an ancient Egyptian royal tomb which was built during the 12th or 13th Dynasty in Mazghuna, 5 km south of…
The pyramid complex of Userkaf was built c. 2490 BC for the pharaoh Userkaf, founder of the 5th Dynasty of Egypt.