GUM (Rusça: ГУМ, okunuşu Rusça telaffuz: ve kısaltması Rusça: Глáвный универсáльный магазѝн, eskiden birçok Sovyet şehrinde bulunan…
Aleksandr Bahçesi, Rusya'nın başkenti Moskova'da bulunan bir bahçedir.
Kazan Cathedral, formally known as the "Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan", is a Russian Orthodox church located on the northwest corner of…
The Museum of the Great Patriotic War, also known as the Victory Museum, is a history museum located in Moscow at Poklonnaya Gora.
Büyük Petro Anıtı, Moskova'nın merkezinde, Moskova Nehri ile Vodootvodny Kanalı'nın batı kesişme noktasında bulunan, Rus Çarı I.
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin Mary is a neo-Gothic Catholic church at Moscow's center, that serves as the…
Yüz yılı aşkın bir süre önce buraya bir cami inşa edilmişti ancak yıkılmak zorunda kaldı ve yerine yeni bir cami inşa edildi. 10.000 kişi…
The Muzeon Park of Arts is a park outside the Krymsky Val building in Moscow shared by the modern-art division of the Tretyakov Gallery and…
Tsarsky Kolokol, Tsar Kolokol III veya Kraliyet Çanı olarak da bilinen Çar Çanı, Moskova Kremlin arazisinde sergilenen 6,14 metre…
Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard, or Nikulin's Circus, is located on Tsvetnoi Boulevard in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow.
TsUM — Central Universal Department Store is a high end department store in Moscow.
The Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines is a private historical interactive museum that keeps a collection of arcade machines that were…
The Central Academic Theatre of the Russian Army is the largest theatre in Moscow.