Welfenschloss Almanya'nın Hannover kentinde bulunan bir saraydır. 1879'da Hannover Üniversitesi halini almış, daha sonra ise üniversitenin…
The Wilhelm Busch Museum is a museum in Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany.
The Georgengarten is a landscape garden in the northwestern borough of Herrenhausen of the German city Hanover.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Hannover Üniversitesi, Almanya'nın Hannover şehrinde bulunan resmi ismi Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität…
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is a Max Planck Institute whose research is aimed at investigating Einstein's theory of…
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics is a Max Planck Institute whose research is aimed at investigating Einstein's theory of…
The German National Library of Science and Technology, abbreviated TIB, is the national library of the Federal Republic of Germany for all…
The Laboratory of Nano and Quantum Engineering is an interdisciplinary research center for nanotechnology of the Leibniz University…
The Old Jewish Cemetery on the Oberstrasse is a Jewish cemetery in Hanover.