Eğri Kalesi, bugünkü Macaristan'ın kuzeyinde yer alan Eger kentinde bulunan bir Osmanlı kalesidir.
Eger minaresi Kuzey Macaristan'ın Eger şehrinde bulunan bir Osmanlı dönemi minaresidir.
The Anna Cave is a natural limestone cave in Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary, near the waterfall.
Burası makul fiyatlarla harika bölgesel şarap sunan şarap mahzenleri ile doludur. Şarap tadımı da burada gerçekleşir.
The Wooden Church is a church in Miskolc, Hungary. It is built of carved wood.
The Castle of Diósgyőr is a medieval castle in the historical town of Diósgyőr which is now part of the Northern Hungarian city Miskolc.
The Castle of Diósgyőr is a medieval castle in the historical town of Diósgyőr which is now part of the Northern Hungarian city Miskolc.
Hollókő, Macaristan' ın kuzey bölümündeki Nógrád ilinde bulunan bir köydür.
Tokaj şarap bölgesi veya Tokaj-Hegyalja şarap bölgesi, Macaristan'ın kuzeydoğusunda ve Slovakya'yanın güneydoğusunda bulunan tarihi bir…
Egerszalók is an open-air spa and village in Heves County in northeastern Hungary.
Drégely Castle is a 13th-century hilltop castle in Nógrád County, Hungary. It is in ruins, but being restored.
Salgó Castle is a Hungarian stronghold near Salgótarján, Nógrád county, 120 km from Budapest.
A well-restored staple of medieval architecture - the kind of castle everyone can imagine.
Drégely Castle is a 13th-century hilltop castle in Nógrád County, Hungary. It is in ruins, but being restored.
Tisza Gölü Macaristan'da yer alan en büyük yapay göldür. Heves ilinin güneydoğu ucunda yer alan göl, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hajdú-Bihar ve…
Miskolc Plaza is one of the two largest shopping malls of Miskolc, Hungary.
The views of the surroundings from the top of this stunning castle ruin are simply amazing. Highlight: the preserved Gothic chapel.
19 Ocak 2006'da Slovak Hava Kuvvetleri tarafından işletilen Antonov An-24 uçağı, Macaristan'ın kuzeyindeki Hejce köyü ve Telkibánya…