The Meshkov Mansion, also known as the Meshkov House, is a historic building in Perm, Perm Krai, Russia.
Kungur Buz Mağarası, Urallarda, Rusya'nın Perm Krayı kentindeki Kungur kasabasının yakınında, Sılva Nehri'nin sağ kıyısında bulunan bir…
Kungur Buz Mağarası, Urallarda, Rusya'nın Perm Krayı kentindeki Kungur kasabasının yakınında, Sılva Nehri'nin sağ kıyısında bulunan bir…
Belogorsky Convent is a priory in Perm Krai, Russia. Located 85 km south of Perm and 50 km from Kungur, on Belaya Gora.
Belogorsky Convent is a priory in Perm Krai, Russia. Located 85 km south of Perm and 50 km from Kungur, on Belaya Gora.
The Perm Academic Theatre-Theatre established in Perm as an amateur theater for working youths.
Perm State University or PSU, PSNRU, is located in the city of Perm, Perm Krai, Russia.
Votkinsk Rezervuarı, Rusya'nın Perm Krayı idari birimindeki Kama Nehri üzerindeki Votkinsk Hidroelektrik Santrali barajının oluşturduğu bir…
Perm-36 was a Soviet forced labor colony located near the village of Kuchino, 100 km northeast of the city of Perm in Russia.
Architectural and ethnographic museum Khokhlovka is an open-air museum in Perm Krai, Russia.
HSE University, officially the National Research University Higher School of Economics is a public research university founded in 1992 and…
The Federal Taxation Service or shortly FNS is a federal body of executive authority responsible for carrying out state registration of…