Sankt-Peterburg Camii, 1913 yılında açılmış, Avrupa'nın Türkiye dışındaki en büyük camisidir. Minareleri 49 metre, kubbesi ise 39 metredir.
The cabin of Peter the Great is a small wooden house which was the first St Petersburg "palace" of Tsar Peter the Great.
The State Museum of Political History of Russia is a historical and political museum located in Saint Petersburg.
The Leningrad Zoo, sometimes called the Saint Petersburg Zoo or Sankt-Peterburgskiy Zoopark, in Saint Petersburg, Russia, is located in…
The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps, also known simply as the Artillery Museum, is a state-owned…
ITMO University is a state-supported university in Saint Petersburg and is one of Russia's National Research Universities.
Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov was a Russian literary critic, journalist, poet and revolutionary democrat.
A.F. Mozhaysky's Military-Space Academy is a Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
B-4 203-mm lik Sovyet yapımı ağır sınıf bir obüstür. Obüsün resmi adı 203-mm obüs model 1931.Bu obüs özellikle şehir çatışmaları sırasında…
Solovetski Taşı, Sovyetler Birliği'ndeki siyasi baskı kurbanlarının ve özgürlük için savaşanların bir anıtıdır.