The Royal Palace or Dar al-Makhzen is the primary and official residence of the king of Morocco in Rabat.
Hasan Kulesi, Fas'ın başkenti Rabat'ta bulunan bir minaredir. Minare, 1199 yılında Muvahhid Halifeliğinin üçüncü halifesi Yakub el-Mansur…
Şella, Fas'ın başkenti Rabat'ta bulunan bir nekropol ve arkeolojik sittir. Ebu Rekrek Nehri'nin sol kıyısında yer almaktadır.
V. Muhammed Mozolesi, Fas'ın başkenti Rabat'ta bulunan bir anıt mezardır. 1971 yılında inşa edilmiş olup Kral V.
The Museum of History and Civilizations is an archaeological museum in Rabat, Morocco.
This museum is under the auspices of the major Moroccan bank. It is dedicated to the history of money and displays a variety of coins.
Prince Moulay Abdellah Stadium was a multi-purpose stadium in Rabat, Morocco.
Rabat Zoo, also known as "Temara Zoo", is a zoological park near Rabat in Morocco that was established in 1973.
The Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture is an academic institute of the Moroccan government in charge with the development and the promotion…