Licancabur, 5.920 m yüksekliğinde sönmüş bir volkan. Bolivya-Şili sınırında Laguna Verde gölü yakınlarında bulunup, Atacama Çölü üzerinde…
Laguna Blanca is a salt lake in an endorheic basin, in the Sur Lípez Province of the Potosí Department, Bolivia.
Sol de Mañana is an area with geothermal manifestations in southern Bolivia, including fumaroles, hot springs and mud pools.
Juriques is a stratovolcano on the border between Bolivia and Chile. It is located immediately southeast of Licancabur volcano.
Laguna Verde, Bolivya'da, Altiplano Platosu'nun güneybatısında bir göldür. Licancabur'un eteğinde bulunur.
Laguna Colorada, Bolivya'nın Potosí Departamentosu’nda, Altiplano Platosu’nun güney kısmında , Reserva Nacional de Fauna Andina Eduardo…
Árbol de Piedra is an isolated rock formation in the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve of Sur Lípez Province, Bolivia.
Salvador Dalí Desert, also known as Dalí Valley, is an extremely barren valley of southwestern Bolivia, in the Potosí Department.
Sairecabur is a volcano located on the frontier between Bolivia and Chile. It is part of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone.