Stepan Andriyoviç Bandera, Ukraynalı siyasetçi ve Ukrayna milliyetçi ve bağımsızlık hareketi lideri.
Josyf Slipyi was a Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and a cardinal of the Catholic Church.
Yaroslav Semenovych Stetsko was a Ukrainian politician, writer and ideologist who served as the leader of Stepan Bandera's faction of the…
Aleksandr Puşkin, Rus şair ve yazardır. Rusya'nın "ulusal şair"i ve modern Rus edebiyatının kurucusu olarak kabul edilir.
Volodymyr Mykhailovych Hnatiuk was a writer, literary scholar, translator, and journalist, and was one of the most influential and notable…
Roman Shukhevych Ternopil city stadium is a multi-use stadium in Ternopil, Ukraine.
Ternopil Lake is a large artificial pond, a reservoir set in the center of Ternopil created in the place of swamps on the river Seret.