The Bach House in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany, is a museum dedicated to the composer Johann Sebastian Bach who was born in the city.
Schloss Weimar is a Schloss in Weimar, Thuringia, Germany. It is now called Stadtschloss to distinguish it from other palaces in and around…
A UNESCO World Heritage site and the former meeting place of Weimar's elite. Both Goethe and Schiller are buried nearby.
The Natural History Museum of Erfurt is a natural history museum in Erfurt, Germany.
Home of the famous poet, kept as it looked during his lifetime. A UNESCO World Heritage site.
Tiefurt House is a small stately home on the Ilm river in the Tiefurt quarter of Weimar, about 4 km east of the city centre.
The Alte Synagoge in Erfurt, Germany, is one of the best preserved medieval synagogues in Europe, its oldest parts dating back to the late…
The Alte Synagoge in Erfurt, Germany, is one of the best preserved medieval synagogues in Europe, its oldest parts dating back to the late…
Buchenwald toplama kampı, Almanya sınırları içerisindeki en büyük toplama kamplarından birisidir.
Yıldız çiçeği, Asteraceae familyasından Dahlia cinsini oluşturan yaz ve sonbahar mevsiminde çiçek açan gövdesi çalı, kökleri yumru şeklinde…
Heinrich Schütz was a German composer and organist, generally regarded as the most important German composer before Johann Sebastian Bach,…
Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel,, Alman hekim, zoolog, filozof, ressam ve kâşif.
Mittelbau-Dora toplama kampı ya da KZ Mittelbau-Dora, Thüringen'de Nordhausen şehrinin kuzeyinde bulunan bir nazi toplama kampına verilen…
The Lindenau-Museum is an art museum in Altenburg, Thuringia, Germany.
Early Bourgeois Revolution in Germany, also known as the Peasants' War Panorama, is a monumental painting by the East German painter Werner…
The Nuremberg–Erfurt high-speed railway is a 191 km-long German high-speed railway, between Nuremberg and Erfurt.