Toledo Karedrali, İspanya'nın Toledo şehrinde bulunan ve Toledo Başpiskoposluğunun oturduğu katedral. Patron azizesi Meryemdir.
The Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes is an Isabelline style Franciscan monastery in Toledo, in Castile-La Mancha, Spain, built by the…
The Iglesia de Santo Tomé is a church located in the historical center of the city of Toledo, and was founded after the reconquest of this…
The earliest of El Greco paintings are to be seen there. It also holds what is believed to be his tomb.
The Church of San Ildefonso is a Baroque style church located in the historic center of the city of Toledo, in Castile-La Mancha, Spain.
Santa María İspanya'da Kastilya-La Mancha bölgesinde, Toledo'nun 50 km güneybatısında terk edilmiş şehir Melque'de bulunan bir Erken Orta…