Vatikan City'de yer alan, bir Rönesans devrine ait Aziz Petrus Bazilikası 15 160 metrekarelik bir alanla dünyanın en büyük bazilikasıdır.
Papa'nın resmi ikametgahı olan Apostol Sarayı'na dahil olan Papalık Şapeli, Vatikan'ın en çok ziyaret edilen yerlerinden biridir.
Kilisenin dışarıdan basit görünmesi sizi yanıltmasın. Roma'nın en büyük kilisesi olmasa da, görkemli altın renkli mozaikleri ve sakin…
Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza is a Roman Catholic church in Rome. Built in 1642–1660 by the architect Francesco Borromini, the church is widely…
1921 yılında kutsanan bu neogotik kilise, Roma'daki en eski veya en nefes kesici olmayabilir, ancak kesinlikle görülmeye değer.
Bu göze çarpmayan kilise 15. yüzyılda inşa edilmiştir. Çoğu insan, avlusunda gizlenmiş olan Tempietto adındaki küçük mezar nedeniyle bunu…
The Basilica of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini is a minor basilica and a titular church in the Ponte rione of Rome, Italy.
Santa Maria della Scala is a titular church in Rome, Italy, located in the Trastevere rione.
Sant'Andrea della Valle is a titular church and minor basilica in the rione of Sant'Eustachio of the city of Rome, Italy.
The church of Saint Anthony in Campo Marzio, known as Saint Anthony of the Portuguese, is a Baroque Roman Catholic titular church in Rome,…
The Church of San Lorenzo in Piscibus is a 12th-century small church in the Borgo rione of Rome.
San Pantaleo is an ancient church located on a piazza of the same name along Corso Vittorio Emanuele II in the Parione neighborhood of…
Santa Maria dell'Orazione e Morte is a church in central Rome, Italy. It lies on Via Giulia between the Tiber and the Palazzo Farnese.
San Salvatore in Onda is a Roman Catholic church, located on via dei Pettinari #56-58, in rione Regola of Rome, Italy.
Santa Maria del Suffragio is a 17th-century church in the center Rome, Italy. It lies on the via Giulia, in the rione Ponte.
Santa Barbara dei Librai is a small Roman Catholic church in Rome, Italy.
Santo Spirito dei Napoletani is a Roman Catholic church on via Giulia, in the Regola rione of Rome.
Santa Lucia del Gonfalone is a church in the diocese of Rome, Italy. It is located on Via dei Banchi Vecchi just one block south of Corso…
Santa Caterina da Siena is a church in Rome dedicated to Catherine of Siena. It is sited on via Giulia in the Regola district.
Santi Celso e Giuliano is a minor basilica and papal chapel of the Diocese of Rome in the care of the Institute of Christ the King…
Santa Dorotea is an ancient Roman Catholic church in the Diocese of Rome first attested to in a Papal bull of Pope Callistus II in 1123,…