Washington Ulusal Katedrali, resmi adıyla Aziz Peter ve Aziz Pavlus Katedral Kilisesi, Washington'da kurulu Episkopal Kilise'ye bağlı bir…
1961 yılında tamamlanan bu görkemli bazilika, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki en büyük Katolik kilisesidir.
1849 yılında kurulan bu nefes kesici katedral, Bizans iç mekanı için görülmeye değer.
Bu piskoposluk kilisesi, 19. yüzyılın başlarında kuruluşundan bu yana her başkanın katılımıyla kendini gösteriyor.
1858 yılında kurulan bu kilisenin elbette bazı çarpıcı mimari özellikleri var.
The Islamic Center of Washington is a mosque and Islamic cultural center in Washington, D.C.
The Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America is a Franciscan complex at 14th and Quincy Streets in the Brookland neighborhood of…
The Sixth & I Historic Synagogue is a non-denominational, non-membership, non-traditional Jewish congregation and synagogue located at the…
St Patrick's Catholic Church is a Roman Catholic parish in Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America.
Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral was founded as a church in 1904 to serve the Greek Orthodox residents of the District of Columbia.
St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington, D.C., is the primatial cathedral of the Orthodox Church in America and the seat of Tikhon, Archbishop…
Universalist National Memorial Church is a Unitarian Universalist church located at 1810 16th Street, Northwest in the Dupont Circle…
All Souls Church, Unitarian is a Unitarian Universalist church located at 1500 Harvard Street NW at the intersection of 16th Street,…
Shiloh Baptist Church is located at 1500 9th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 in the historic Shaw District.
St. Anselm's Abbey is a Benedictine Abbey located at 4501 South Dakota Avenue, N.E., in Washington, D.C.
St. Peter's Church, also referred to as St. Peter's on Capitol Hill, is a Roman Catholic church located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C…
The Fazl Mosque in Washington, D.C. was established by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1950 and is the first mosque in the U.S. capital…
National Baptist Memorial Church is a Baptist church in Washington, D.C.
First Baptist Church of Deanwood is a historic church at 1008 45th Street in Northeast, Washington, D.C., in the Deanwood neighborhood.
The National Presbyterian Church is a Christian congregation of approximately 1,500 members of all ages from the greater metropolitan…
Adas Israel is a Conservative synagogue in the Cleveland Park neighborhood of Washington, D.C., in the United States.