Ağlama Duvarı veya kısaca Kotel, Kudüs'ün Eski Şehrinde bulunan, kireçtaşından yapılmış tarihî duvar.
Dünyanın Hristiyanlar için en kutsal yeri olan bu kilisenin, Hz. İsa'nın hem çarmıha gerildiği hem de mezarının bulunduğu yere inşa edildiği…
Kubbetü's-Sahre, geçmişte Ömer camii olarak bilinen yapı, Kudüs'ün Eski Şehrindeki Tapınak Dağı'nda bulunan bir ibadethanedir.
Şehrin David Kulesi olarak bilinen Kale, 2.700 yıl öncesine dayanıyor.
Şam Kapısı, Kudüs'ün doğu bölümünde; Eski Kudüs denen tarihi kısmında yer alan önemli bir sur kapısıdır.
Qasr al-Yahud is the western section of the traditional site of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist on the Jordan River.
The Allenby Bridge, known officially in Jordan as the King Hussein Bridge, and also called Al-Karameh Bridge by Palestinian Arabs, is a…
The Monastery of the Temptation is a Greek Orthodox monastery located in Jericho, Palestine.
Tell es-Sultan, also known as Tel Jericho or Ancient Jericho, is a UNESCO-nominated archaeological site in the West Bank, located adjacent…
The Mount of Temptation is said to be the hill in the Judean Desert where Jesus was tempted by the devil.
Emmaus is a town mentioned in the Gospel of Luke of the New Testament.
Emmaus Nicopolis, was the Roman name for one of the towns associated with the Emmaus of the New Testament, where Jesus is said to have…
Yusuf'un Kabri, Gerizim Dağı ile Ebal Dağı'nı ayıran vadinin doğu girişinde, Yakup Kuyusu'nun 300 metre kuzeybatısında, Batı Şeria'nın…
Mount Gerizim is one of two mountains in the immediate vicinity of the key West Bank city of Nablus, and forms the southern side of the…
Mount Ebal is one of the two mountains in the immediate vicinity of the city of Nablus in the West Bank, and forms the northern side of the…
Birzeit University is a public university in the West Bank, Palestine, registered by the Palestinian Ministry of Social Affairs as a…
Israel Electric Corporation is the largest supplier of electrical power in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
Ai was a Canaanite city. According to the Book of Joshua in the Hebrew Bible, it was conquered by the Israelites on their second attempt.
See muqata'ah for the Ottoman instrument for financing state expenses.