Yasak Şehir, Ming Hanedanı'nından Çing Hanedanı'nın sonuna kadar kullanılmış Çin imparatorluk sarayıdır.
Mao Zedong Anıt Mezarı, Çin'in başkenti Pekin'de 1945-1976 yılları arasında Çin Komünist Partisi lideri Mao Zedong'un bulunduğu bir anıt…
Çin Ulusal Müzesi, Çin'in başkenti Pekin'de bulunan ülkenin ana tarih ve sanat müzesidir. 2003 yılında iki ayrı müzenin birleşmesiyle…
The National Art Museum of China is the national art museum of China and the largest art museum in the nation.
The Palace Museum is a national museum housed in the Forbidden City at the core of Beijing.
Prince Gong's Mansion, also known as the Prince Kung Mansion, is a museum and tourist attraction located in Xicheng District, Beijing, just…
The Capital Museum is an art museum in Beijing, China. It opened in 1981 and moved into its present building in 2006, which houses a large…
Urbanism and architecture buffs will be glad to see the exhibition related to development and planning. Impressive model of Beijing included.
The Capital Museum is an art museum in Beijing, China. It opened in 1981 and moved into its present building in 2006, which houses a large…