
Yerel adıHetta
KonumMainland Finland, Finlandiya

Hetta is the main village in the municipality of Enontekiö in the north-west part of Finnish Lapland. It is also the municipality's administrative centre and the start or end point of the standard trekking / skiing route across the Pallas-Yllastunturi National Park.

Enontekiö Airport is located 9 kilometres west of Hetta but no longer has regular scheduled flights. Otherwise, the nearest Finnish airport is Kittilä, c. 2 hours South although Alta, in Norway is a similar distance. Tromso, Kiruna and Rovaniemi are all a similar distance although flying into Tromso is a good option if your intention is to spend the majority of your time in the far West of Enontekiö, in the village of Kilpisjärvi.

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Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hetta

Koordinatları 68°23'7.762" N 23°38'37.672" E

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