
Yerel adıLondis
KonumLondra, Birleşik Krallık

Londis is a chain of convenience shop franchises operating in the United Kingdom. The stores form a symbol group and are all owned on a franchise basis. As of December 2014, the company had an estimated net worth of £79 million. Since May 2015, the company has been owned by Booker Group, which purchased Londis and its sister company Budgens from the Musgrave Group for £40 million.

Etiketler DükkanBakkal
İndir İndir Daha fazlasını görün
Shop belonging to Żabka @ Wojciech Sarnowski

Daha fazla bilgi ve iletişim

Koordinatları 51°27'4.706" N -0°26'15.82" E

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