Palatine Chapel

Yerel adıPfalzkapelle
KonumAachen, Deutschland

The Palatine Chapel in Aachen is an early medieval chapel and remaining component of Charlemagne's Palace of Aachen in what is now Germany. Although the palace itself no longer exists, the chapel was preserved and now forms the central part of Aachen Cathedral. It is Aachen's major landmark and a central monument of the Carolingian Renaissance. The chapel held the remains of Charlemagne. Later it was appropriated by the Ottonians and coronations were held there from 936 to 1531.As part of Aachen Cathedral, the chapel is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Etiketler İbadet YeriHristiyanMabet
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Telefon +49 241 477 090

Adres Aachen Cathedral, Domhof 1, 52062 Aachen, Germany

Koordinatları 50°46'29.059" N 6°5'1.857" E

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