萨拉丁城堡 ,又称开罗城堡,位于埃及开罗老城的穆卡塔姆山 上,可俯瞰开罗全城。城堡最初为阿尤布王朝苏丹萨拉丁所建,历史上长期作为埃及政府官邸所在地,1983年起向公众开放参观,现已成为开罗最受欢迎的旅游胜地之一。
Probably the only presidential residence that works as a museum at the same time. Its collection are related to the state affairs.
One of the city's landmarks erected on the site where the legendary Alexandria lighthouse once was.
Temple of Al-Maharraqa is an ancient Egyptian Temple dedicated to Isis and Serapis.
The Heliopolis Palace is one of the five Egyptian presidential palaces and residences, the others being Abdeen Palace, Koubbeh Palace,…
The Fortress of an-Nekhel is a Ksar located in the Nekhel Municipality of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.