爱资哈尔清真大寺 是位于埃及开罗伊斯兰老城的一座清真寺。公元970年,昭海尔委托他人建造这座清真寺,这是开罗的第一座清真寺。该清真寺于972年6月11日启用。爱资哈尔清真大寺的名字来自于穆罕默德的女儿法蒂玛的称号“佳丽”。
An eye-candy for the lovers of Islamic architecture as it features many unusual elements - large wooden dome or twin minarets.
阿布·阿巴斯·穆尔西清真寺 是埃及亚历山大最大的一座清真寺,以13世纪亚历山大 苏菲派圣人阿布·阿巴斯·穆尔西命名,寺内有圣人的墓地。
The Monastery of Saint Paul the Anchorite in Egypt is a Coptic Orthodox monastery located in the Eastern Desert, near the Red Sea Mountains.
The Monastery of Saint Macarius The Great also known as Dayr Aba Maqār is a Coptic Orthodox monastery located in Wadi El Natrun, Beheira…
The Temple of Kalabsha is an ancient Egyptian temple that was originally located at Bab al-Kalabsha, approximately 50 km south of Aswan.In…
The Mosque of Abu Haggag is a mosque in Luxor, Egypt. It is integrated into the structure of Luxor Temple, an Ancient Egyptian centre of…
The Monastery of Saint Pishoy in Wadi El Natrun, Beheira Governorate, Egypt, is the most famous monastery of the Coptic Orthodox Church of…
The Sidi Ibrahim El Desouki Mosque, is a mosque and shrine complex in Desouk, Egypt.
先知以利亚会堂 是埃及亚历山大的一个犹太会堂。它建于1354年,在1798年法国入侵埃及期间被法国炸毁,1850年在穆罕默德·阿里王朝统治下重建。1956年大批犹太人离开埃及后,留在亚历山大的犹太人非常之少,但是该会堂仍在举行仪式。该会堂自2012年起由于安全原因关闭。
The Red Monastery or The Monastery of Apa Psoi is a Coptic Orthodox monastery named after an Egyptian saint called Psoi or Pishoy.