The ByWard Market, is a retail and entertainment district in the downtown core of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The St. Lawrence Market South building is a major public market building in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
多伦多伊顿中心 是一组位于加拿大安大略省多伦多市中心的商场及办公室大楼,取名自前镇场大商户伊顿百货。伊顿中心是多伦多人流最旺盛的旅游景点,每周游人数目达一百万人次,有230间商户、食肆和一个美食广场,是加拿大东部最大以及全国第三大商场。
Clifton Hill is one of the major tourist promenades in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
Holt, Renfrew & Co., Limited is a Canadian luxury department store chain founded in 1837 by William S. Henderson.
A 29 km of underground pathways full of shops. The world's biggest underground shopping complex.
St. Laurent Centre is a shopping mall located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It is owned and operated by Morguard REIT.
The Rideau Centre is a three-level shopping centre on Rideau Street in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
开市客公司 是全球第三大零售业者,全球第一大连锁零售型、会员制仓储式量贩店,也是美国杂志2023年全球五百大公司的第26名。1983年成立于美国华盛顿州西雅图市,最早起源于1976年的Price…
温蒂汉堡 ,由美国人戴夫·汤玛斯在1969年于美国俄亥俄州创办。吉祥物为“温蒂姐姐”。1969年11月15日,戴夫·汤玛斯于俄亥俄州哥伦布开设第一间Wendy's汉堡包快餐店。店名叫Wendy's,是因为他次女Melinda Lou…
Giant Tiger Stores Ltd. is a Canadian discount store chain which operates over 250 stores across Canada.
道明加拿大信托is the personal, small business and commercial banking operation of the Toronto-Dominion Bank in Canada.