Lifeguarded all year round, this beach is a popular surfing spot. This sandy beach is also well-facilitated and features a number of…
A popular sandy beach, great for walks or sunset watching. However, the water here is not too clean, so it is not advised to go in for a…
香港黄金泳滩 位于香港新界青山湾青山公路青山湾段至扫管笏段,泳滩全长0.5公里,占地约八万多平方米,并与新咖啡湾、旧咖啡湾及加多利湾相连在同一海岸线之上,泳滩水清沙幼坐拥辽阔景致因而构成新界西边最长而广阔的泳滩。
This beach lined with resorts is a good base for avid snorkellers and scuba divers. Rich marine life and lots of facilities.
Hat Khuat is a beach on the northern portion of Ko Pha-ngan, Thailand.