The Antonino Salinas Regional Archeological Museum is a museum in Palermo, Italy.
帕拉提那礼拜堂 是位于意大利西西里岛城市巴勒莫的一座礼拜堂。这座教堂也被称为宫殿教堂,修建于1120年。教堂的建筑风格是拜占庭式风格。现在帕拉提那礼拜堂是巴勒莫著名观光景点。
A charming and ornat villa housing a collection of old movie posters as well as a museum dedicated to the artist Renato Gattuso.
The Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum of Palermo operates in the field of national and international, traditional and…
阿巴特利斯宫 是位于意大利南部西西里岛城市巴勒莫的一座宫殿建筑,现在这座建筑被作为西西里美术馆使用。阿巴特利斯宫是一座加泰罗尼亚哥特式建筑,设计于15世纪。二战期间阿巴特利斯宫曾经遭到盟军空袭,但后来得到修复。1954年6月23日后,阿巴特利斯宫作为美术馆对外开放。
The Diocesan Museum of Palermo is a museum of religious art in Palermo on Sicily, housed in a number of rooms in the Palazzo Arcivescovile…
A charming little museum with a fascinating collection of Arabic and Greek ceramics, as well as a broad exhibiton of paintings, old coins…
The Giuseppe S. Vaiana Astronomical Observatory is an astronomical observatory located in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, housed inside the Palazzo…
The Sicilian Ethnographic Museum Giuseppe Pitrè is a museum in Palermo, Italy.The museum has two locations: the main part is located in one…