这座压倒性建筑建于2014年的保龄球馆内。该建筑由洛杉矶着名的富有远见的建筑师Frank O. Gehry与世界上最大的奢侈品LVMH董事长兼首席执行官Bernard Arnault密切合作设计。货物公司。
The Grande halle de la Villette, formerly a slaughterhouse and now a cultural center, is located in Paris, France.
The Cent Quatre is a public cultural centre in Paris, which opened on 11 October 2008 on the site of a former municipal undertaker's at 104…
The Cent Quatre is a public cultural centre in Paris, which opened on 11 October 2008 on the site of a former municipal undertaker's at 104…
The Institut Tessin, also known as the Centre culturel suédois, is a museum in Paris dedicated to the history of Franco-Swedish artistic…
In 1862 during Haussmann's modernization of Paris, the Théâtre de la Gaîté of the boulevard du Temple was relocated to the rue Papin across…
The Cité internationale des arts is an artist-in-residence building which accommodates artists of all specialities and nationalities in…