索菲亚市集中心 是位于保加利亚首都索菲亚的一个市内市场,开业于1911年,是索菲亚最重要的贸易中心。索菲亚市集中心的面积超过3200平方米,开工于1909年,历时两年竣工。1988年,索菲亚市集中心一度关闭。索菲亚市集中心在2000年复活节重新开放。
You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables, food, clothes, pottery, souvenirs and a lot more from vendors at this marketplace.
The pedestrianized main street is chock-a-block of diverse eateries, bars, cafés and also restaurants, shops and boutiques.
A huge and modern shopping centre with underground parking is a great place to shop for everything under one roof.
Nip across the road to the enormous shopping mall. A stroll through this shopping paradise is a must.