巴斯克博物馆 原名巴斯克考古、民族志和历史博物馆 ,是西班牙毕尔巴鄂的一座博物馆,位于乌纳穆诺广场4号。它创办于1921年,设于原圣安德肋公学 巴洛克式回廊的底层。创办公学的耶稣会已于1767年被驱逐出西班牙。毗邻的圣若望堂…
Medium-sized aquarium with a nice examples of the sea life and additional extensive exhibitions. Definitely worth the time.
The Museum of Contemporary Art of the Basque Country-Artium Museoa is a contemporary art museum located in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital of…
圣特尔莫博物馆 是西班牙巴斯克自治区圣塞巴斯蒂安的一个博物馆,旨在欧洲和全球范围内呈现古代和当代的巴斯克文化、艺术和历史。1932年,它搬到了现在的位置,旧城区的祖洛阿加广场 1号,位于乌尔古尔山山脚,占据了一座原道明会修道院,并辅以21世纪扩建的部分。
The Reproductions Museum Bilbao, was created in 1927,the purpose of the museum is to compile classic pieces of art for the enjoyment of the…
This museum is dedicated to the history of the city in the connection with war, especially the civil one when the city was bombed.
This museum will be enjoyed by everyone interested in medieval age or in the warfare as it displays vast collection of weapons and armours.
The Museum of Fine Arts of Álava is located in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital of the Basque Country, Spain.
Outstanding museum and a sculpture garden with the contemporary Basque art. Since 2011 opens only at certain dates, so check in advance.
This amusing museum tells the story of playing cards, the focus is both on the manufacturing process and the designs.