尼斯圣莱伯拉主教座堂 是一座罗马天主教主教座堂,位于法国南部海滨城市尼斯。它是天主教尼斯教区的中心,供奉尼斯的主保圣人圣女雷帕拉塔,拥有博索管风琴。该建筑的外部和内部均为巴洛克式。
Saint-Charles Church is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo, the 16th-century Italian cardinal and archbishop.
This splendid 19th-century church has been thoroughly restored recently. Admire the statues and the grand organ inside.
This 16th-century church is designed in distinguishable Gothic style with a Renaissance porch. Its belltower is impressive, too.