尼斯圣莱伯拉主教座堂 是一座罗马天主教主教座堂,位于法国南部海滨城市尼斯。它是天主教尼斯教区的中心,供奉尼斯的主保圣人圣女雷帕拉塔,拥有博索管风琴。该建筑的外部和内部均为巴洛克式。
圣母无染原罪主教座堂 是位于摩纳哥摩纳哥城的一座天主教主教座堂。许多格里马尔迪王朝名人都长眠在这里,为摩纳哥王室陵园,包括葛丽丝·凯莉和兰尼埃三世等。教堂建于1252年,是摩纳哥第一座教区教堂。
Saint-Charles Church is a Roman Catholic church dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo, the 16th-century Italian cardinal and archbishop.
This splendid 19th-century church has been thoroughly restored recently. Admire the statues and the grand organ inside.
仁慈小堂 是一座古老的罗马天主教教堂,位于尼斯老城的塞莱亚林荫道 。它被认为是尼斯巴洛克建筑的杰作。1921年被法国文化部列为国家历史古迹。
This 16th-century church is designed in distinguishable Gothic style with a Renaissance porch. Its belltower is impressive, too.
Entrevaux Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church and former cathedral in Glandèves, France.