圣伯多禄圣保禄圣殿主教座堂 是天主教费城总教区的主教座堂,位于费城18街和本杰明·富兰克林公园大道,洛根圆环东侧。它兴建于1846-1864年,由Napoleon LeBrun设计;穹顶和帕拉第奥式立面由John Notman和Rev. John T.
Old St. Joseph's Church is a church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was the first Roman Catholic church in the city.
Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge National Historical Park is a national memorial dedicated to General George Washington and an…
亨氏纪念教堂 是美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡大学校园内的一座教堂,一处匹兹堡历史地标 ,属于申利农场历史区。
The First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia is a Unitarian Universalist congregation located at 2125 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia,…
St. John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church is a Ruthenian Greek Catholic church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
Birmingham Friends Meetinghouse is a historic Quaker meeting house at 1245 Birmingham Road in Birmingham Township, Chester County,…
The Historic Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic church in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, in the Diocese of Greensburg.