波兰波罗的海爱乐乐团 是位于波兰北部波罗的海海滨城市格但斯克的交响乐团。前身是成立于1945年格但斯克交响乐团。这家乐团是波兰最顶尖的爱乐乐团之一,多次在国际获奖。乐团音乐厅是2010年维基媒体国际会议的主办地。
Szczecin Philharmonic, officially Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic, founded in 1948, is a philharmonic of the city of Szczecin, Poland.
弗罗茨瓦夫歌剧院 是位于波兰城市弗罗茨瓦夫的一座歌剧院。弗罗茨瓦夫歌剧院竣工于1841年。在1945年之前,弗罗茨瓦夫歌剧院名为布雷斯劳歌剧院。
The Forest Opera is an open-air amphitheatre located in Sopot, Poland, with a capacity of 5047 seats, the orchestra pit can contain up to…
Established in 1946, this drama theatre has been one of the most important Polish cultural institutions.
The Piwnica pod Baranami is a Polish literary cabaret located in Kraków, Poland.
Podlaska Opera and Orchestra in Białystok is a cultural institution in Bialystok, capital of Podlaskie Voivodeship of Poland.
The Arthur Rubinstein Łódź Philharmonic is a professional symphony orchestra based in Łódź, Poland.
Teatr Wielki w Łodzi is an opera house in Łódź, Poland. It is the largest theatre in the city, specialising in opera, operetta and ballet.
尤利乌什·斯沃瓦茨基剧院 是位于波兰城市克拉科夫的一座剧院。尤利乌什·斯沃瓦茨基剧院是欧洲最著名的巴洛克式剧院建筑之一,剧院名称系纪念波兰诗人尤利乌什·斯沃瓦茨基。
Silesian Theatre dedicated to Stanisław Wyspiański is the largest theatre in Silesia. It is located on the market square in Katowice.
弗罗茨瓦夫普佩特剧场 是波兰城市弗罗茨瓦夫的一座剧场建筑,靠近旧城花园和公共浴场。这座剧场是新巴洛克式风格建筑,修建于1892年至1894年期间,并在1905年至1909年进行了扩建。
The Baj Pomorski Theatre was started by Irena Pikiel-Samorewiczowa – an artist, painter, and repatriate from Vilnius who came to Bydgoszcz…
The Ludowy Theatre in Kraków, located at Osiedle Teatralne housing development in district Nowa Huta, opened on 3 December 1955.
The Aleksander Węgierko Drama Theatre in Białystok is a repertory theatre in Białystok, established in 1938.
The National Philharmonic in Warsaw is a Polish cultural institution, located at 5 Jasna Street in Warsaw.
The Opera Krakowska is an opera house located in Kraków, Poland. It was founded in 1954 in postwar Kraków, although the tradition of opera…
The Kraków Philharmonic is the primary concert hall in Kraków, Poland. It is one of the largest auditoriums in the city.
Adam Mickiewicz Theatre is a theatre at the Theatre Square of the Old City in Cieszyn, Poland.
The Opera Nova is an opera house in Bydgoszcz, Poland. It was established in 1956, and it also plays the role of a musical theatre.