奥斯威辛集中与灭绝营,或称奥施维茨-比克瑙集中与灭绝营 ,是纳粹德国时期建立最主要的集中营和灭绝营,位于波兰南部、全国第二大城市克拉科夫西南60公里的小镇奥斯威辛。
辛德勒工厂 是位于波兰城市克拉科夫的一座建筑,曾是一个金属器械工厂。现在辛德勒工厂内有两座博物馆,分别是克拉科夫历史博物馆和克拉科夫现代艺术博物馆。
The Racławice Panorama is a monumental cycloramic painting depicting the Battle of Racławice, during the Kościuszko Uprising.
Familiarize yourself with the interesting history of Sopot in this nice museum, seated in a beautiful mansion.
恰尔托雷斯基博物馆 位于波兰克拉科夫,由伊莎贝拉·恰尔托雷斯卡公主于1796年创立。
The Emigration Museum is a museum located in the city of Gdynia, Poland.
This museum will provide you with some valuable historical context of the Nowa Huta district.
Seated in a few rooms of a Gothic castle, this museum is focused on ethnography, history, agriculture and a lot more.