老城集市广场 是波兰首都华沙老城的核心。直到18世纪末,此处也是整个华沙的核心。老城集市广场拥有独特的波兰传统餐厅、咖啡馆和商店。这也是华沙最古老的部分,和该市最重要的旅游名胜之一。华沙起义后,它曾被德国军队有系统地摧毁,二战结束后,又被小心翼翼地恢复为原来的模样。
奥斯威辛集中与灭绝营,或称奥施维茨-比克瑙集中与灭绝营 ,是纳粹德国时期建立最主要的集中营和灭绝营,位于波兰南部、全国第二大城市克拉科夫西南60公里的小镇奥斯威辛。
维利奇卡盐矿 位于波兰克拉科夫附近,是一个从13世纪起就开采的盐矿,目前已基本停产。盐矿有327米深,超过287公里长。盐矿中有房间、礼拜堂、和地下湖泊等,宛如一座地下城市。1978年,维利奇卡盐矿被联合国教科文组织登录为世界遗产。
百年厅 位于现波兰弗罗茨瓦夫。建于1911年到1913年的德意志帝国 ,是为了纪念抵抗拿破仑一世入侵的莱比锡战役100周年的工程之一。由德国著名建筑师马克斯·伯格 负责兴建,建成后是当时布雷斯劳的市政厅。2006年,该建筑被列为世界文化遗产。
St. Paraskevi Church in Radruż is a Gothic, wooden church from the sixteenth-century located in the village of Radruż, Poland, which…
The Historic Silver Mine is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Tarnowskie Góry, Silesia, Poland.
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Dębno is a Roman Catholic Gothic-wooden church located in the Polish Goral village of Dębno from the…
St. Michael Archangel's Church is a Roman Catholic Gothic-wooden church located in the village of Binarowa, southeast Poland, dating from…
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska park is a Mannerist architectural and park landscape complex and pilgrimage park, built in the 17th century as the…
Saints Philip and James Church is a Gothic, wooden church in the village of Sękowa from the 15th century.
Mother of God Church in Chotyniec is a Gothic wooden church located in the village of Chotyniec from the seventeenth-century, which…
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Turzańsk is a nineteenth-century wooden church located in the village of Turzańsk.
St. Michael Archangel's Church in Smolnik - a Gothic, wooden church located in the village of Smolnik from the eighteenth-century, which…