The Residence of Biscainhos, is a former-signeurial residence located in civil parish of Braga, in the municipality of Braga, in northern…
The D. Diogo de Sousa Museum is located in Braga, Portugal.
蒂班耶什圣玛尔定修道院 是一个修道院,位于葡萄牙北部布拉加附近,这是葡萄牙和巴西所有本笃会的总部,以教堂内华丽的洛可可装饰而著称。
The Pius XII Museum is located in Braga, Portugal, in the same building of the Museum Medina, as the name from the Pope Pius XII.The…
石头屋 是一座人造建筑,位于葡萄牙北部大区塞洛里库-迪巴什图和法菲之间。石头屋由四块大石头建造的,这些石头分别构成房子的地基、墙壁和天花板。石头屋位于风力发电厂附近,但石头屋本身没有电力供应。由于其不同寻常以及与周围自然环境融合的设计,石头屋已成为一个旅游景点。
The Nogueira da Silva Museum is located in Braga, Portugal.
The Image Museum or in Portuguese Museu da Imagem is located in Braga, Portugal and is dedicated to photography.