塞万提斯剧院 是阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的国家舞台剧和喜剧剧院,位于科尔多瓦大道,布宜诺斯艾利斯著名的歌剧院哥伦布剧院北面两个街区。塞万提斯有三个表演厅。玛丽亚·格雷罗厅是剧院的主厅。舞台456 m2,拥有12米的旋转圆形平台,还可以再扩展2…
Estadio Luna Park is a multi-purpose arena in Buenos Aires. Located at the corner of Avenida Corrientes and Avenida Bouchard; in the San…
The Teatro Opera is a prominent cinema and theatre house in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Teatro Gran Rex is an Art Deco style theatre in Buenos Aires, Argentina which opened on July 8, 1937, as the largest cinema in…