Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum is a naval museum located in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, at the mouth of the Cooper River on the…
The Charleston Museum is a museum located in the Wraggborough neighborhood in Charleston, South Carolina.
The Old Slave Mart is a building located at 6 Chalmers Street in Charleston, South Carolina that once housed an antebellum-period slave…
Fort Moultrie is a series of fortifications on Sullivan's Island, South Carolina, built to protect the city of Charleston, South Carolina.
汉利号潜艇 是美国南北战争时期隶属于南方邦联的一艘潜艇。汉利号曾在查尔斯顿湾口击沉北方联邦军的蒸汽战斗用帆船豪萨通尼克号…
The Charles Pinckney National Historic Site is a unit of the United States National Park Service, preserving a portion of Charles Pinckney…