成田山新胜寺 是位于日本千叶县成田市的佛寺,为真言宗智山派的寺院。本尊为不动明王,开山 为宽朝。和高尾山药王院、川崎大师平间寺并称真言宗智山派之关东三大本山。寺名一般多以“成田不动”或“成田山”称之、或尊称为御不动样 。其为日本每年初诣…
Kōzō-ji is a Buddhist temple located in the city of Kisarazu in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. The temple is also known as the "Takazō Kannon".
那古寺 是位于日本千叶县馆山市的那古,真言宗智山派的佛寺。山号为补陀洛山,祭祀的本尊为千手观音菩萨。属于坂东三十三观音灵场的第33号 ,通称为那古观音 。
Chiba-dera, also known as Senyō-ji, is a Buddhist temple in the city of Chiba, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.
Manman-jiis a Buddhist temple belonging to the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen, located in the city of Matsudo in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.
Ichigatsu-ji is a Buddhist temple located in the city of Matsudo in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.