圣母教堂 是位于丹麦首都哥本哈根的一座教堂,也是丹麦的国家教堂。紧邻哥本哈根大学主楼。现在的教堂建筑为新古典主义风格,竣工于1829年。教堂的历史可以追溯至10世纪后期。
罗斯基勒主教座堂 ,位于丹麦东部西兰岛的罗斯基勒市,主教座堂建于12世纪到13世纪,是史上第一座用砖建造的罗曼式建筑,并融合了哥特式和罗马式的建筑风格,在经过多次修建后则成为斯堪的纳维亚首座哥特式大教堂,也是丹麦君主的官方陵寝教堂。
奥胡斯主教座堂 是位于丹麦城市奥胡斯的一座大教堂。奥胡斯主教座堂是丹麦最长且最高的教堂,长度达93米 ,高度达96米 。
Maribo Cathedral is a Lutheran cathedral church built in the Gothic style in Maribo on the island of Lolland in the southeast of Denmark.
Viborg Cathedral, Our Lady Cathedral is the site of one of Denmark's most important historic churches located in the town of Viborg in…
Haderslev Cathedral also known as Our Lady's Church is the cathedral church of the Diocese of Haderslev located in Haderslev, Denmark