老圣尼古拉堂 是德国法兰克福的一座路德宗教堂,位于法兰克福老城的罗马广场,靠近法兰克福旧市政厅。该堂起源于12世纪中叶,目前的教堂则建于15世纪中叶。
符腾堡山顶墓堂 是位于德国斯图加特市红山区的一座陵墓。这座墓堂坐落于维腾姆山的山顶。它是为了维腾姆的威尔海姆一世的第二位妻子叶卡捷琳娜·巴甫洛夫娜女大公而修筑的。国王威尔海姆一世及他们共同的女儿玛丽·弗蕾德里克·夏洛特也安葬于此。
The Alexander Nevsky Memorial Church is an historic Russian orthodox church in Potsdam, Germany.
Quitzin Castle is a Jagdschloss in Splietsdorf municipality, Germany.
Quirinus of Tegernsee, or Quirinus of Rome, is venerated as a martyr and saint of the third century.
The chapel was built to worship the engraved image of the Virgin Mary holding a child and standing in front of an oak tree.
The Palatine Chapel in Aachen is an early medieval chapel and remaining component of Charlemagne's Palace of Aachen in what is now Germany.
尼特尔 是德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州的一个市镇。总面积16.68平方公里,总人口2194人,其中男性1076人,女性1118人 ,人口密度132人/平方公里。
St. Oswald’s Chapel lies in the Höllental in the High Black Forest, at its eastern end near the Ravenna Bridge.
The Katharinenkirche in Oppenheim, Germany, is regarded as an important Gothic church building on the Rhine, along with the cathedrals of…
Tennenbach Abbey was a Cistercian abbey in what is now the district of Freiamt in the town of Emmendingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The Aegidienkirche is a church dedicated to saint Giles in the town of Heilbad Heiligenstadt, first built in 1227.
奥肯费尔斯 是德国莱茵兰-普法尔茨州的一个市镇。总面积1.66平方公里,总人口1072人,其中男性523人,女性549人 ,人口密度646人/平方公里。